
If you are a Pinterest addict member, you may have seen one or two pins that show pancake batter baked in muffin tins. Here at theroommom’s house, we are all about breakfast that fits in your hand and can be eaten in the car on the way to school, so I thought this idea was worth a spin. I tested a variety of combinations and am reporting my findings below. To see the original pin, click here— and feel free to follow me on Pinterest at the same time.

The Basics: Mix up a batch of pancake batter and spoon into mini muffin tins. Sprinkle with any variety of toppings. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes or until golden at the edges. Eat immediately or let cool and freeze. If freezing, put puffins in Ziploc bags or tupperware. Can be removed one at a time and reheated in microwave or toaster oven.

The Pancake Batter: I used my Basic Pancake Recipe. I don’t think there is anything special about it, so if you have a great recipe for pancakes, use that one (and feel free to share!).

Tested Toppings:

  • blueberries, fresh and dried
  • mini chocolate chips
  • bacon (cooked and crumbled)
  • bacon and brown sugar
  • sausage (cooked and crumbled)
  • sausage with a drizzle of syrup

The Verdict: Both children like the chocolate chip version (big surprise). My daughter also likes the fresh blueberries. My son likes plain sausage. I like the bacon and brown sugar combination the best. Overall, I felt they were a little bland, and the pictures look better than the real thing. They have been handy this week for breakfast. We reheated in the toaster oven, so they developed a little toasty crust. I think they may need to be dipped in syrup, or I need a better pancake batter recipe. They just don’t have enough flavor for me.

7 thoughts on “Puffins

  1. Try incorporating syrup in the pan before baking them or even adding a little cinnamon sugar mix to the batter. Brush with some melted butter before serving. This will help with the blandness as well as keeping them moist. That’s what I did

  2. When I was growing and still to this day my mom would put vanilla in the batter and for my sister and I love chocolate chips in ours but my brother loved cinnamon sugar so she would split the batter and make them for us. Thanks for this post though, I’m making them for Mother’s Day because we’re doing a little mini breakfast bar!

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